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Emergency Plumbing in Harrisburg PA – Fast & Reliable Services

Emergency plumbing refers to any unexpected and urgent plumbing issues that require immediate attention and resolution. These emergencies can occur at any time, day or night, and can cause significant damage to the property if not addressed promptly. In such situations, it is crucial to seek professional help from a reputable emergency plumbing service provider to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.

Some common plumbing emergencies include:

  1. Burst pipes due to freezing or pressure build-up.
  2. Clogged drains that can cause water to back up and overflow.
  3. Gas leaks that can be hazardous and potentially cause explosions.
  4. Sewage backups that can contaminate the water supply and pose health risks.

In case of a plumbing emergency, it is essential to take immediate action to minimize the damage. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Shut off the main water supply to prevent water from flowing and causing further damage.
  2. Contact a professional emergency plumber who can quickly assess the situation and provide necessary repairs.
  3. Take safety precautions, such as turning off the electricity in the affected area and avoiding contact with standing water.

To avoid plumbing emergencies in the future, it is crucial to take preventive measures such as:

  • Regular maintenance of your plumbing system to identify and fix any issues before they become emergencies.
  • Proper disposal of waste and avoiding flushing items that can clog your drains.
  • Familiarizing yourself with your plumbing system and knowing how to shut off the water supply in case of an emergency.

If you are in the Harrisburg, PA area, it is essential to choose a reliable emergency plumbing service provider for prompt and efficient resolution of plumbing emergencies. Some reasons to choose emergency plumbing services in Harrisburg include:

  1. Fast response time to address emergencies promptly and prevent further damage.
  2. Experienced and licensed plumbers who can provide quality and long-lasting solutions.
  3. 24/7 availability to handle emergencies at any time.
  4. Quality workmanship to ensure your plumbing system is functioning properly and efficiently.

What is Emergency Plumbing?

Emergency plumbing refers to urgent plumbing services available 24/7 for issues like burst pipes, gas leaks, or malfunctioning water heaters. These services ensure quick, efficient repairs to prevent property damage. It is important to understand what emergency plumbing entails and to have contact information for emergency plumbers readily available in case of unforeseen plumbing crises. In these situations, it is crucial to remain calm and promptly turn off the main water valve to prevent further damage, while seeking professional assistance immediately.

What are the Common Plumbing Emergencies?

Plumbing emergencies can strike at any time, causing panic and inconvenience for homeowners. In this section, we will discuss the most common plumbing emergencies that homeowners in Harrisburg, PA may encounter. From burst pipes to clogged drains, gas leaks to sewage backup, we will cover the potential dangers and how to handle these situations with efficiency and caution. Being prepared and knowing what to do in these emergencies can save you time, money, and stress.

1. Burst Pipes

When dealing with burst pipes, follow these steps:

  1. Shut off the main water supply to prevent further damage.
  2. Open faucets to drain remaining water in the pipes.
  3. Call an emergency plumber for immediate assistance.
  4. Use towels or buckets to contain water and protect belongings.

To prevent burst pipes, insulate exposed pipes, maintain adequate heating, and promptly repair any leaks.

2. Clogged Drains

  1. Assess the severity of the clog.
  2. Use a plunger or drain snake specifically designed for clearing clogged drains.
  3. If unsuccessful, try a natural solution such as a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or a chemical drain cleaner.
  4. Consider contacting a professional plumber if the clog persists.

To prevent clogged drains, it is recommended to use drain guards, refrain from pouring grease down the drain, and schedule regular professional drain cleanings.

3. Gas Leaks

  • Evacuate: If you suspect a gas leak, evacuate the area immediately and move to a safe location.
  • Avoid Flames: For safety, do not light matches, candles, or operate any electrical switches.
  • Open Windows: To disperse the gas, ventilate the area by opening doors and windows.
  • Call for Help: Report the gas leak by contacting the gas company or emergency services.

Fact: Gas leaks can be easily detected by a distinct sulfur-like odor added to natural gas, aiding in early detection.

4. Sewage Backup

Dealing with a sewage backup requires prompt action to mitigate damage and health risks.

  1. Turn off the water supply to prevent further contamination.
  2. Avoid contact with the sewage to prevent exposure to harmful bacteria and pathogens.
  3. Call a professional plumber to assess and resolve the issue.
  4. Clean and disinfect the affected areas thoroughly after the sewage backup has been resolved.

To prevent sewage backup, it is crucial to regularly inspect and maintain your plumbing.

Remember, taking quick action and seeking professional assistance are key in effectively addressing sewage backup.

What to Do in a Plumbing Emergency?

When a plumbing emergency strikes, it’s important to act quickly and effectively to minimize damage and get the issue resolved. In this section, we’ll discuss the necessary steps to take in a plumbing emergency. First, we’ll cover the crucial step of shutting off the water to prevent further damage. Then, we’ll emphasize the importance of calling a professional plumber for expert assistance. Lastly, we’ll touch upon safety precautions that should be taken to ensure the well-being of everyone involved. Let’s dive in to learn more about what to do in a plumbing emergency.

1. Shut Off the Water

  • Locate the main water shut-off valve in your home.
  • To shut off the water supply to your house, turn the valve clockwise.
  • In the event of a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe, shutting off the water is crucial to prevent further damage.

Remember, it’s important to act quickly and decisively in a plumbing emergency to minimize potential water damage and ensure your safety.

2. Call a Professional Plumber

  1. Assess the situation and determine if it requires professional intervention.
  2. Research and contact a certified and reliable plumber with emergency services. (2. Call a Professional Plumber)
  3. Communicate the plumbing issue clearly, providing details to the plumber.
  4. Confirm the plumber’s arrival time and prepare the area for their assessment.

3. Take Safety Precautions

  • Assess the situation to identify any immediate hazards and take necessary safety precautions.
  • Wear protective gear, including gloves and eye protection, to ensure personal safety.
  • In case of standing water, turn off electrical power in the affected area to prevent any potential hazards.
  • If there is a gas leak, evacuate the premises immediately and contact the gas company for assistance.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in the event of gas leaks or sewage backup to prevent any potential dangers.

How to Prevent Plumbing Emergencies?

Plumbing emergencies can be a costly and stressful ordeal. However, with proper prevention measures, you can avoid these unexpected and inconvenient situations. In this section, we will discuss the key steps to preventing plumbing emergencies in your home. From regular maintenance to proper disposal of waste, we will cover all the necessary precautions you can take to keep your plumbing system running smoothly. So, let’s dive in and learn how to avoid plumbing emergencies before they happen.

1. Regular Maintenance

  • Perform regular maintenance checks for leaks, corrosion, or damage in pipes, fixtures, and appliances.
  • Ensure that drains and gutters are regularly cleaned to prevent clogs and backups.
  • Check the water pressure and functionality of shut-off valves on a regular basis.
  • Test sump pumps and sewage ejector systems regularly to ensure they are operating properly.
  • Maintain water heaters by regularly flushing them to remove any sediment buildup.

2. Proper Disposal of Waste

  • Properly dispose of grease or oil by avoiding pouring it down the drain.
  • Prevent clogs by disposing of coffee grounds, eggshells, and fibrous foods in the trash.
  • Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet to properly dispose of waste.

3. Know Your Plumbing System

  • Locate the main shut-off valve for water supply to your house.
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout of your plumbing system, including pipes, fixtures, and appliances.
  • Understand the function of the various valves and switches in your plumbing system.
  • Label the shut-off valves for different fixtures and appliances in your home.

In 1596, Sir John Harington designed the first flush toilet for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth I, leading to advancements in plumbing systems.

Why Choose Emergency Plumbing Services in Harrisburg, PA?

When faced with a plumbing emergency in Harrisburg, PA, it’s important to have a reliable and efficient service to turn to. That’s where emergency plumbing services come in. Choosing these services means getting the help you need, when you need it most. In this section, we will discuss the top reasons why emergency plumbing services in Harrisburg, PA are the best choice for handling unexpected plumbing issues. From their fast response time to their experienced and licensed plumbers, their 24/7 availability, and their commitment to quality workmanship, we’ll cover all the benefits of choosing these services.

1. Fast Response Time

  • Assess the availability of the plumbing service during emergencies to ensure a quick response time.
  • Check if the company offers 24/7 emergency services to guarantee immediate assistance.
  • Review customer testimonials and ratings regarding the company’s response time.
  • Inquire about the average arrival time of the plumbers to handle emergency situations.

2. Experienced and Licensed Plumbers

Experienced and licensed plumbers are vital for ensuring high-quality work and timely resolution in plumbing emergencies. Their expertise in handling various issues, including burst pipes, clogged drains, gas leaks, and sewage backups, guarantees effective problem-solving. When in need of emergency plumbing services, it is crucial to prioritize professionals with a proven track record of fast response times, 24/7 availability, and superior workmanship.

In a similar manner, history has shown that ancient civilizations, such as the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia, had skilled individuals who specialized in early forms of plumbing, highlighting the importance of experienced plumbers throughout time.

3. 24/7 Availability

  • 24/7 availability ensures immediate assistance during urgent plumbing issues, such as burst pipes or gas leaks.
  • Emergency plumbers respond promptly, addressing problems even during non-business hours.
  • Round-the-clock service offers peace of mind, knowing that professional help is just a call away at any time.

For reliable 24/7 emergency plumbing in Harrisburg, PA, consider companies with a proven track record of swift response times and constant availability.

4. Quality Workmanship

In emergency plumbing services, quality workmanship is achieved through skilled professionals, adherence to industry standards, and reliable repairs. Experienced plumbers in Harrisburg, PA guarantee durable solutions by utilizing advanced techniques to promptly and effectively address emergencies.

How to Get Started with Emergency Plumbing Services

When a plumbing emergency strikes, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place for how to handle these situations. In this section, we’ll discuss the first steps to take when facing an emergency plumbing issue, including scheduling an initial consultation with a professional and receiving tailored solutions to address your specific needs. With these tips, you can feel prepared and confident in handling any plumbing emergency that may arise.

Initial Consultation

  • Schedule an appointment with the emergency plumbing service for an initial consultation.
  • During the consultation, discuss the specific plumbing issue or project in detail.
  • Provide any relevant information about the plumbing system and any previous maintenance or repairs.
  • Receive an assessment of the plumbing situation and potential solutions from the experienced plumbers during the initial consultation.
  • Ask any questions or express any concerns during the consultation to ensure clarity and understanding.

Tailored Solutions

Emergency plumbing services offer customized solutions that quickly and efficiently address specific issues, ensuring that the individual needs of each customer are met.

Fact: Tailored plumbing solutions can also prevent future emergencies by identifying and addressing any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in a property’s plumbing system.


In the event of an emergency plumbing situation in Harrisburg, PA, it is important to act quickly. Contact a reliable plumber immediately to address the issue and prevent any further damage. Before the plumber arrives, remember to turn off the main water supply to gain control of the situation. Stay calm and clearly explain the situation to ensure a prompt and efficient resolution.

A homeowner in Harrisburg, PA, recently experienced a burst pipe late at night. They promptly shut off the main water supply, contacted an emergency plumber, and minimized the damage before professional assistance arrived.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I have a frozen pipe in my home?

If you have a frozen pipe in your home, turn off the main water supply immediately and call an emergency plumber. Do not attempt to thaw the pipe yourself as it can cause further damage.

Can you fix my AC system if it suddenly stops working in the middle of a hot summer day?

Yes, our team of experienced professionals at H.L. Stoneberger Plumbing & Heating can handle urgent AC repairs in the Harrisburg metro area. We offer 24/7 emergency services to ensure your comfort and safety.

What should I do if I have no hot water in the morning?

Don’t panic, first check if your water heater is working properly. If it is, then there may be an issue with your plumbing system. Call H.L. Stoneberger Plumbing & Heating for prompt and reliable water heater repair services in Harrisburg, PA.

What sets H.L. Stoneberger Plumbing & Heating apart from other plumbing companies?

At H.L. Stoneberger, customer service is our first priority. We are a family-owned and operated company with over 30 years of experience in handling all types of emergency plumbing needs. Our team of problem-solving professionals is available 24/7 to handle your plumbing issues with the utmost care and efficiency.

Should I try to fix a clogged toilet myself?

For simple clogs, you can try using a plunger. However, for more severe clogs or recurring issues, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. H.L. Stoneberger Plumbing & Heating offers comprehensive solutions for clogged toilets and other plumbing issues in Camp Hill, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Harrisburg, and beyond.

Do you offer free estimates for your emergency plumbing services?

Yes, we offer free estimates for all of our services. We believe in transparent pricing and want our customers to know exactly what to expect before any work is done. Call us today for a free estimate and save $50 on your first service call.